Monday, 19 March 2012

Indonesian cleric: Lady Gaga is forbidden

And right on cue, a top cleric in Muslim-majority Indonesia declares that Lady Gaga's upcoming Jakarta concert is a "forbidden" act that is "intended to destroy the nation's morality," according to the Jakarta Globe
Chairman Cholil Ridwan, of the influential Indonesian Council of Ulema, is honoring the rich Indonesian-Malaysian tradition of condemning Western pop stars for besmirching religious piety on their soil.
Past performers accused of soiling youthful morality include Kelly Clarkson, Rihanna, Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne and -- just recently in Malaysia -- Erykah Badu.
The cleric tells the Globe that these "cultural attacks" must come to an end.
Lady Gaga's psy-ops campaign to corrupt Indonesian morality is mounting. According to the Jakarta Post, fans lined up in the rain for tickets to her June concert, which sold out within hours.
Among the depraved acts Gaga has compelled from Jakarta girls: glueing cigarettes to sunglasses 

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